Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Leah's First Late Night Party

My cousin Silvia got married this past Saturday. We grew up together and she is one of the cousins I am closest with. There was no way I was going to miss her wedding, but was really nervous about bringing Leah...the reception didn't start until 7:30PM. I am an itinerary planner and follower! I give Leah a bath at 7:30, read a book after, and last bottle is at 8:30PM. Trevor and I decided that we would all go, skip bath, stick to 8:30 bottle and then maybe she'd still fall asleep shortly after in her car seat. Well...this picture was taken at 10:00PM. She was a party girl! Bows on her dress, "foof" in her hair! No crying or fussing, just smiles and people watching. Trevor finally took her home and put her to bed by 11. The next morning she was still up at 6:30 with a huge grin. I thought she would either sleep in, or be super crabby. But no, same happy girl. Her party genes are definitely from mamma...daddy slept til 10:00 that morning and still needed a nap in the afternoon! Ha! Girls just wanna have fun!!

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