Sunday, July 17, 2011

Leah's Baptism

Today, Leah Marie was officially welcomed into the church. She was baptized at St. Patrick's Catholic Church of Merna in Bloomington, IL. Her godparents are my brother Joe, and Trevor's sister Haley. Also in attendance were Nonni John and Maria, Grandparents Mike and Kay, Bisnonni Rosario and Salvatrice, Great-Grandma LaRue, Great-Uncle Mario, and Great Zii Maria and Frank. The ceremony was fairly quick and Leah did amazing! No crying...luckily she was fed right before! We celebrated with a luncheon at Biaggi's, followed by cake (with cannoli filling, YUM), and lots of love and laughter. Each person present today will be a supporter is Leah's life as a Christian. She is a lucky girl, surrounded by so many people that cherish her. Today is yet another proud moment as a parent. Her gown was worn by me 28 years ago.

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