Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trip to Des Plaines/Father's Day with Bisnonno

Trevor is working this summer doing textbook work for the school district and finishing up his last class for his administrative degree. Since he has class Tuesdays and Thursdays, this means we are without him all day and all night. We decided this is a good time to make visits to Nonni's house. I know once school starts in August we are limited to weekend visits, so having more then 1 day to spend with them is SO important!
It's especially important to me that Leah spends time with my grandparents. They are older and 2 hours of travel is difficult. It is much easier for us to drive up, than them drive down. This is a picture with "bisnonno" (great-grandpa) Rosario. I basically grew up seeing my grandparents every day of my life, so Leah is very special to them. I framed this picture for him as a father's day gift, and as always, he cried.

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