Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our First Garage Sale

I have NEVER been a garage sale girl. The thought of waking up early, walking in the heat, and buying other people's stuff...what's appealing exactly? Then I realized, I now am forced to get up early, it's rarely hot in the morning, but I'm still unsure about the last's probably the germ freak in me! However, my friend Jenny convinced me that there are great things, espcially for kids...that can be deep cleaned before use! HA! The weather was beautiful this morning! So, I packed the diaper bag, loaded the stroller, and straped Leah in for our first gargage sale experience. Jenny went with and we had a lovely morning stroll. I spent $1 and came away with 2 CD's of disney movie theme songs (for car rides...Trevor will love I'm sure). Leah was wiped
by then end of her first garage sale.

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