Thursday, June 30, 2011

3 Months

This week was just me and baby girl at home all week. My 28th birthday was yesterday, and today (well technically tomorrow) Leah is 3 months old. She is growing like a weed and I am having a blast with her! She is officially sleeping in her own crib, in her own room...quite a transition...for me! HA! She sleeps through the night, only waking up if she wants the that's my challenge before I go back to work...sleeping without paci. She's eating about 23 ounces per day. And weighs in at about 13.5 pounds. She is talking up a storm of coo's, ooh's, ahh's, and everything in between. It is adorable! We can't help but smile and ooh and ahh back at her. Next week Trevor and I are going on a mini vacation for few days and Leah is staying with Nonno and Nonna. I'm a little sad to leave her overnight, but this will be so good for me and Trevor. This picture sums up this month for me. So smiley!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A New Seat in the House

Yet another transition...the Bumbo seat. For weeks now, Leah has been doing the butt scoot off our laps while we hold her. Or wanting to sit straight up and see what's going on...definitely past the "lay in my arms" cuddle. Not really sure where she thinks she is going, but it did make me think that maybe she was ready for the Bumbo. Every mommy friend of mine has recommended this seat, it even comes with a tray for toys. We sat her in it and the picture tells the rest of the story. She didn't hate it, but has not grown to love it yet. For me though, still a sign that my little baby is growing more independent day by day.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trevor's 1st Father's Day

This weekend was crazy fast! Our good friend Cullen got married in southern Illinois on Saturday. Trevor and I took this opportunity to stay overnight, since it was a 3.5 hour drive. Nonni came to watch Leah. It was our first night away from her. I actually enjoyed my time away since I knew she was in family hands! We woke up early Sunday to get on the road for our father's day celebration. My family was already at our house since they watched Leah, and Trevor's dad drove up for lunch with Ma-Ma. Kay and Haley are on vacation in Florida. We grilled Italian sausage and shrimp, so delicious! Trevor is SO hard to shop for. I decided to scrapbook and frame two pages worth of photos of him and Leah since birth, collage style. A gift he would never do for himself. Leah is so lucky to have a daddy that loves her so much! She is definitely a daddy's girl.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trip to Des Plaines/Father's Day with Bisnonno

Trevor is working this summer doing textbook work for the school district and finishing up his last class for his administrative degree. Since he has class Tuesdays and Thursdays, this means we are without him all day and all night. We decided this is a good time to make visits to Nonni's house. I know once school starts in August we are limited to weekend visits, so having more then 1 day to spend with them is SO important!
It's especially important to me that Leah spends time with my grandparents. They are older and 2 hours of travel is difficult. It is much easier for us to drive up, than them drive down. This is a picture with "bisnonno" (great-grandpa) Rosario. I basically grew up seeing my grandparents every day of my life, so Leah is very special to them. I framed this picture for him as a father's day gift, and as always, he cried.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our First Garage Sale

I have NEVER been a garage sale girl. The thought of waking up early, walking in the heat, and buying other people's stuff...what's appealing exactly? Then I realized, I now am forced to get up early, it's rarely hot in the morning, but I'm still unsure about the last's probably the germ freak in me! However, my friend Jenny convinced me that there are great things, espcially for kids...that can be deep cleaned before use! HA! The weather was beautiful this morning! So, I packed the diaper bag, loaded the stroller, and straped Leah in for our first gargage sale experience. Jenny went with and we had a lovely morning stroll. I spent $1 and came away with 2 CD's of disney movie theme songs (for car rides...Trevor will love I'm sure). Leah was wiped
by then end of her first garage sale.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2 Month Check-up...aka scary shot time!

Yesterday was Leah's 2 month check-up. Which also meant shots! She weighed in at 11lbs 10oz, and is 22in. She did so well while Dr. Boe was checking her out...cooing, smiling, flailing about in happiness. Then came the nurse...with an oral med and with not 1, not 2, but 3 shots! Leah did okay with the oral med, just a little gag. She also did really well for the first poke, she just had a shocked looked on her face. Then came poke 2 and 3, and there it went. She is such a good baby, that I've learned her hungry, tired, change me cry. This cry was one I had not yet heard...a hurt cry. Broke my heart, but I did well. After I snuggled her for about 1 minute, she calmed down and fell asleep on the ride home...and slept from 4:30 PM to 4:00 AM, waking up once to eat. This was very unlike her, so I was prepared with baby meds just incase she got a fever. However, this morning she was her bubbly self again. Her chubby little legs are swollen, but she was smiling and cooing like every other morning...what a champ! I thank God everyday for such an easy-going, healthy baby girl!