Tuesday, April 10, 2012

12 Months Old

I've said it every month, "I can't believe I have a"...12 month old! Leah's 1 year check-up was about one week ago. Poor baby had to get four shots. But, as always, was a total trooper. Her current stats are: 28 inches (20%), 21 pounds (50%), and head circumference is 18 inches (72 %). She is eating almost anything these days, and loving the independence that finger foods offer. She has also recently taken a few steps. Very exciting! I have so many amazing memories of my first year as a mother, as well as some not-so amazing memories. For example, the sleepless nights, the teething, the hormone-induced explosion of tears, etc. But, as most mothers will say, it was all worth it. Leah has been a true blessing! Her loving nature mixed with her sassy attitude is exactly what makes her my kid. People would always say to me, "just enjoy this stage it goes by so quickly, you'll get through it". Boy was everyone right! Not only did we get through it, but it flew by! I look forward to a lifetime of wonderful memories with the little girl that made my dreams a reality.

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