Thursday, April 28, 2011

Month 1

This month was really a blur. I REALLY wanted to breastfeed, and it took me weeks to stop being sad and feeling guilty about this loss of bonding. However, I have wonderful people in my life that talked me through the process until I had finally moved past it. Leah was healthy, eating 2-3 ounces of formula, and completely content. I finally came to the mindset that if she was happy, I was doing okay.
Recovering from surgery, sleepless nights, constant diaper changes, and making/washing baby bottles every hour was about enough to put me over the edge! The funny thing is, Leah is a textbook baby. Trevor and I found ourselves questioning how people get through colic, gas issues, projectile vomit, etc. We were utterly exhausted with a really good baby.

I owe my survival of month 1 to the following: my husband who quickly became superdad, my mom who was my shadow in every step I took, and my family and friends (whether they brought me meals, sent me encouraging messages, or listened when I called crying and frustrated).

I survived and am ready for month 2!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Rita! So glad to see you are keeping a blog! I hope you enjoy the experience and I'm looking forward to following along with your journey. Oh, and Leah is just precious. Who knew female versions of Matt and Trevor could be so darn cute!!
