Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5 Months

It is so crazy that Leah is already 5 months old. In one thought, I feel like I was just another, I feel like she's been around my whole life! She is loving daycare! The socialization is really good for her! She is now eating 4 foods...the middle picture is her newest, peas! She is still sleeping through the night...awesome, especially since I am back at work. Here naps are still short, but about 3-4 times a day. Here is her feeding schedule:
Morning: Up at 6:30, cereal with spoon and 6oz bottle at 7:00 AM
11:00 AM: 1 oz of veggie and 6 oz bottle
3:00 PM: same as 11:00 AM
6:45 PM: same as morning
I am so completely in love with this adorable face!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Minivan Family

Well, it's official...I am a minivan driver...and LOVE it! Here is Leah testing it out the first week we got it! The space is amazing, and the drive is super smooth and comfortable! Trevor is adjusting...ha! We went to Clinton this weekend: me, Trev, Leah, my parents, and my all of Leah's "stuff"! Everyone loved it! I am totally okay with the "soccer mom" look!

Friday, August 26, 2011

August 26

TGIF! This week has been forever long! I am still adjusting to the whole full-time work thing!'s taking a while! I must say, I LOVE my job and the people I work with. And, I LOVE that I get pictures like this throughout the day! Leah loves playing with Kayleigh, who's the closest to her age. And, the other picture...well looks like she has quite a full belly! HA! Knowing that Leah is enjoying herself makes my days go by faster and happier! I am so blessed to have the best of both worlds right now!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 24

Leah is continuing to have a great time at daycare. She's loving all the new toys and equipment! The weather was gorgeous today! So the kids went for a walk for the first time, all together. These pictures were taken by LaDona, I'm so glad she shares! =) I love the one of her and Caleb in the stroller. He's just watching her as he shares his blankie! So sweet!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh Dad!

Since going back to work, Trevor and I have really enjoyed our evenings with Leah. However, Leah now has days full of stimulation. She's pretty content just sitting in her bouncy while I cook, or laying on the floor as we have dinner. I think the kids at daycare keep her energy levels pretty high during the day. So as much as we want to cuddle and play when we get home from work...she's exhausted! I couldn't resist this picture. Trevor is wanting her to giggle and play...well, I'd love to know what she's thinking...ha!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Finally the Weekend

Although I only had 1.5 days with students...I am exhausted! My parents are here today to visit, and Trevor and I have a date night planned. Trevor sent me flowers at work today...not a birthday, not an anniversary...the card just read, "You're the Best"! How great is my husband?! Of course I sent a quick e-mail thanking him, and he just said he was very proud of me for being so strong this week! What a guy! Love him! So tonight, we are going to dinner and then Gill St. to watching our neighbor Mark's band play. So excited! Being the Nonni are here I am able to play catch up on my blog. While we were working hard and adjusting to leaving Leah...Leah was just fine without us! She had lots of outside time with her daycare friends and loved every minute of it. Tomorrow is the Chapman family reunion, so although the weekend is already least it is here! =)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Leah is officially rolling in all possible ways. She did tummy-to-back once, back in May...accidently. Then, in mid June she mastered back-to-tummy. But, the frustration over the last couple months of being "stuck" on her front side has made her crazy. Finally, she did it...and hasn't stopped. She LOVES this new ability! I've been placing toys in all four corners of our family room, and she slowly rolls her way to them...scooting along as she rolls. I have a feeling we might only be a month or two away from crawling!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Leah's First Day at Daycare

Leah did awesome yesterday! She went through her schedule as usual...which is exactly what I have prayed for. This is a picture of her in the saucer at LaDona's...happy as can be! Makes mommy's heart VERY happy!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to Work

Well, I must say I am WAY proud of myself! Trevor and I went together to drop Leah off at daycare and I didn't shed a tear! I think yesterday drained me of all my possible tears for the week! HA! The 2-3 year old were having a rough time with drop-off, but Leah was just fine being handed over and watching the other kids have emotional breakdowns!
Of course, my day today consisted for meetings! However, I have another student teacher this school year, so I got to know her and spend time with my department...who I REALLY did miss.
Hopefully, the rest of the week...and year goes as smoothly as today!

Monday, August 15, 2011

My last day before going back to work full-time

Today has been a mix of emotions! This is the sweet little face I woke up to. Tomorrow I return back to my job for the 2011-2012 school year. I am excited to see my co-workers who I love dearly, and I am happy about getting back to my career. But, I am so, so sad about not spending my days with Leah. I know tomorrow is inevitable, so I have been cherishing EVERYTHING today. Literally, me changing her poopy diaper made me cry...ha! Let's hope drop off tomorrow isn't a catastrophe!

Squash and Sweet Potatoes

Although she loves squash...she's had enough! HA! I love how her eyes almost looked crossed! She's been doing so great with her food! All 3 of her first foods have gone smoothly! In about 1 week we are going to attempt green peas. So far, the sweet potatoes seem to be her favorite! Just like Mom!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

DiVita Family Reunion 2011

Today, we spent all day in Geneva, IL at the Fabyan Park and Japanese Gardens. It was the 2nd annual family reunion with all of my dad's side of the family. It was so fun to see all my cousins, who are mostly my age give or take 5 years. We all grew up together, and now that everyone has their own family and lives all over northern IL these reunions are so needed! Leah had a blast too! Fresh air, loud Italians, and people lovin' on her...what more could a girl want!? After lunch we went for a walk, thinking Leah might take a nap...ha! She enjoyed the walk as much as we did. These pictures were in front of the Japanese Flower Garden. We are already looking forward to next year!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Yummy Carrots

So, the carrots issue was my fault! I pureed my own, and the texture was the problem. I went and bought a jar of organic carrots today and she loved them! So glad that she enjoyed them! In a few days we move on to squash! Fingers crossed...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Carrots...umm, maybe not

So we tried carrots out today at lunch...and that's where it ended...trying. HA! Leah was not interested in the slightest. She first spit them out, then swallowed and gagged, then finally threw them up...all while screaming. So...any advice is appreciated! I have a freezer full of home-grown, pureed carrots that I would LOVE for her to eat.

Monday, August 8, 2011

4 month check up

Today, Leah had her 4 month check-up...and shots!! She was amazing! No crying! I was ready for a disaster to unfold and all she let out was a little squeal! Such a rock star baby! Her weight was 15 pounds and 7 ounces. Her height was 24 inches. She is in the 95% for head circumference, 90% for weight, and 50% for height. Dr. Boe is very happy with her progress and said that we can start veggies! Very exciting!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4 Months and an Eye Injury

I can't believe it! 4 months has again, flown by! 1/3 of the year, gone! Leah won't have her check-up for another week since Dr. Boe is out of town, but we did have an emergency appointment. While she was eating her morning bottle, out of nowhere, she began screaming. I tried to console as best I could, but after about 5 miserable minutes she fell asleep. When she woke up the whole left side of her face was red and her eye was swollen and tearing. It cleared up after about 10 minutes, so I figured she just slept on that side too hard. Hours later after her afternoon nap she looked terrible again. She was also super fussy. We decided to take her in, thinking she either had a reaction to either a bug bite, or fabric...something was up. Dr. Zimmerman checked her eye with a bright purple light and noticed a scratch. He referred us immediately to an optomologist. She too diagnosed a cornial abrasion. Basically, she scratched a chunk of her eye. We were prescribed eye drops and in 24 hours she was much better! Leah was such a trooper. She was poked in that eye with two different strips, two different liquids, touched all over her face and she just smiled as if each doctor was playing with her! Such a sweetheart!
As for the rest of what's going on...
She is still sleeping through the night (BLESS HER) and napping 3 times a day. Her naps are still pretty short, about 40-60 minutes. She is spoon eating cereal, and is drinking 25 ounces of formula per day. She eats 7 ounces by 6:30 AM, and 6 oz every 4 hours throughout the day. She is still loving to roll from her back to her tummy in her crib, but still frustrated as she hasn't mastered rolling back. She has also become a belly sleeper. A few weeks ago this made me a nervous wreck! But, since the video monitor came into my life, as long as I see she has her head turned to the side, I let her stay on her belly. I am going to thoroughly enjoy these last weeks at home with her before going back to work.

Monday, August 1, 2011

First Time in Swimming Pool

Yesterday we spent all day at Grandpa Chapman's house. The weather was beautifully sunny and over 90 degrees, so we decided to give the pool a try. Before I had Leah, I spent at least once a week at this pool starting the day I was done with work...tanning, swimming, reading, relaxing. Since having Leah, this was the first time (almost the end of summer) that I had the opportunity to pool! I was a little nervous about putting her in. Everyone warned me of possible allergy reactions to sun screen or chlorine. Grandma Chapman bought a floaty with a sun top, so we didn't have to worry about sun screen. However, Leah was a bit small for it. Her facial expression in this picture cracks me up. She was just not quite sure what to think. Hopefully by next summer, once she's bigger, Leah can get on Mommy's schedule of poolin' it right at the start of summer break!