Monday, May 30, 2011

Month 2

Month 2 has been much better. Leah has been eating 5 ounces of formula with cereal every 4-5 hours, pooping less often, and sleep (well we are still lacking this) ha! But now she smiles at us, and coos constantly. We feel so much gratitude this month simply because she is socializing with us!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Back to Work

I started back at work today! =(
I can not believe how quickly 7 weeks past! I had mixed feelings about today. I hated leaving Leah, but grandma Kay came to stay with her and will be with her all week. And, Nonna Maria will be with Leah all of next week. I ADORE the people I work with! I am so excited to see them again on a daily basis! Plus, I am 2 weeks away from summer break. But, that's still 9 work days away from the little person I have been with constantly for almost 8 weeks. I am going to cherish those 6 hours with her after work, and before bedtime. My hope is that from this point forward, I can use this blog to document on a daily/weekly basis our memories together.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My 1st Mother's Day

Yesterday was mother's day and I had a beautiful day. We hosted since Leah is still too little to take out, and we had 4 genereations to celebrate with. I had my nonna, my mom, me, and Leah...and Trevor had ma-ma, his mom, him, and was so great. Each "mom" got a picture frame that said "Great-Grandma" or "Grandma" with a picture of them holding Leah in her first days. I received a "diamond knot" ring from Leah and Trevor. It symbolizes the strength of love. How perfect for this day! Even more perfect, Leah rolled from her belly (during tummy time) to her back that night. She is 5 1/2 weeks old.